MedReports provides the College of Medicine - Tucson users access to the reports. Left menu lists all reports in MedReports and explains what each report is for. ​​
To request access to these reports, please submit a data access request through COMHelp. COM-T Data Governance Committee will notify you as soon as a decision is made. Thanks for your interest in our service and patience with the COM-T data access request process. 

Event Hours by Type by Course

Report Name: Event Hours by Type by Course

Description: Shows the distribution of learning/teaching methods across blocks.

Events Taught By Faculty Member

Report Name: Events Taught By Faculty Member

Description: Shows a list of events with event related information that is taught by faculty member.

Events With Event Contacts

Report Name: Events With Event Contacts

Description: Shows the faculty roles in each learning event by selected course. This is helpful when reviewing the individuals assigned to roles by learning event to ensure they accurately reflect the teaching effort hours.