MedReports provides the College of Medicine - Tucson users access to the reports. Left menu lists all reports in MedReports and explains what each report is for. ​​
To request access to these reports, please submit a data access request through COMHelp. COM-T Data Governance Committee will notify you as soon as a decision is made. Thanks for your interest in our service and patience with the COM-T data access request process. 

Absence Usage by Cohort

Report Name: Absence Usage by Cohort

Description: This report shows a list of absences requested by cohort.

All Tags Explorer

Report Name: All Tags Explorer

Description: Explores taxonomies associated to specific learning events by course. These relationships are established within MedLearn using Curriculum Tags.

Discipline Thread Hours

Report Name: Discipline Thread Hours

Description: This report provides total hours for threads and disciplines taught during one or more required courses/events. The report is used annually to provide data for the US News & World Report.

Elective Enrollment by Department

Report Name: Elective Enrollment by Department

Description: Elective enrollment by department

Elective Enrollment by Department and Course

Report Name: Elective Enrollment by Department and Course

Description: Shows the number of students enrolled in electives by department and student level. Data comes from OASIS.

Elective Enrollment by Rank

Report Name: Elective Enrollment by Rank

Description: This displays 4th year and 3rd year electives by rank. The report shows the top 20 for 4th year and the top 10 for 3rd year.

Learning Objectives

Report Name: Learning Objectives

Description: Lists the total number of learning objectives associated with a course and breaks down the percentage of discipline and threads mapped to learning objectives within each session learning event.