MedReports provides the College of Medicine - Tucson users access to the reports. Left menu lists all reports in MedReports and explains what each report is for. ​​
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Available Block Reports - Target & Assessor

Report Name: Available Block Reports - Target & Assessor

Description: Provides raw survey data from the Assessment & Evaluation module in MedLearn. The data is not anonymized, and shows both the target's and assessor's names.

Available Block Reports - Target Only

Report Name: Available Block Reports - Target Only

Description: Provides raw survey data from the Assessment & Evaluation module in MedLearn. This report only shows the target's name, but excludes the assessor's name.

Average MK

Report Name: Average MK

Description: Lists students' final MK competency score by block and averages their final MK competency scores to create a ranking.

Course Feedback

Report Name: Course Feedback

Description: This report displays anonymous student feedback on courses. Students submit their feedback through MedLearn.

Grade Distribution for Electives

Report Name: Grade Distribution for Electives

Description: Displays a table of grade distribution by course by number of students in each category (Honors, High Pass, Pass, Fail, Incomplete) and percentage distribution by category.


Report Name: Gradebook

Description: Shows students MK final grade and high-stake assessment grades used for determining if a student is eligible to complete a retake exam. The report defaults to MK, but other competency can be selected from the self-service prompt.

Overall Survey Results by Target

Report Name: Overall Survey Results by Target

Description: Provides a summary with statistical information and student comments by survey distribution and target with scales from the Assessment & Evaluation module of MedLearn.

Student Evaluation on Electives - Annual Report

Report Name: Student Evaluation on Electives - Annual Report

Description: For Curricular Affairs as they need this format to send out to the departments annually. This report consists of two parts: Elective enrollment by department and course, and student evaluation on elective evaluations.

Student Feedback on 4th Year Elective

Report Name: Student Feedback on 4th Year Elective

Description: Includes student feedback of non-patient care and patient-care elective courses. The report is displayed by rotation, academic year and department. The report also includes the number of course evaluations submitted. All data comes from OASIS.

Survey Submissions

Report Name: Survey Submissions

Description: Provides a count per evaluator/assessor by distribution of completed and pending surveys. These pending and completed survey tasks are derived from distributions within MedLearn's Assessment & Evaluation module.

Unentered Grades by Gradebook Assessment

Report Name: Unentered Grades by Gradebook Assessment

Description: Provides a list of unentered grades for students by competency, gradebook assessment, and course.