MedReports provides the College of Medicine - Tucson users access to the reports. Left menu lists all reports in MedReports and explains what each report is for. ​​
To request access to these reports, please submit a data access request through COMHelp Data Governance Committee will notify you as soon as a decision is made. Thanks for your interest in our service and patience with the COM-T data access request process. 


Report Name: Absence

Description: This report lists absence requests submitted by students.

Absence Usage by Cohort

Report Name: Absence Usage by Cohort

Description: This report shows a list of absences requested by cohort.

All Tags Explorer

Report Name: All Tags Explorer

Description: Explores taxonomies associated to specific learning events by course. These relationships are established within MedLearn using Curriculum Tags.

Alternative Experience Requests

Report Name: Alternative Experience Requests

Description: This report lists which students requested alternative experiences during each rotation.

Alternative Experience Requests by Site

Report Name: Alternative Experience Requests by Site

Description: This report shows how many students are using a particular site for clerkship versus how many students are using the same site for Alternative experience.This report is in the format for LCME.

Alternative Experience with Objective

Report Name: Alternative Experience with Objective


AOA Junior Report

Report Name: AOA Junior Report

Description: This is used to select the Alpha Omega Alpha honors society students by Student Affairs (selects the top 5% of students in the cohort, rounded to the nearest whole).

Available Block Reports - Target & Assessor

Report Name: Available Block Reports - Target & Assessor

Description: Provides raw survey data from the Assessment & Evaluation module in MedLearn. The data is not anonymized, and shows both the target's and assessor's names.

Available Block Reports - Target Only

Report Name: Available Block Reports - Target Only

Description: Provides raw survey data from the Assessment & Evaluation module in MedLearn. This report only shows the target's name, but excludes the assessor's name.

Average MK

Report Name: Average MK

Description: Lists students' final MK competency score by block and averages their final MK competency scores to create a ranking.

Clerkship H-HP-P-F Grading distribution

Report Name: Clerkship H-HP-P-F Grading distribution

Description: Clerkship H/HP/P/F Grading distribution by clerkship.

Clerkship Logbook Overview - Live Data

Report Name: Clerkship Logbook Overview - Live Data

Description: Shows the number of objectives logged for a clerkship by student, and a sum of the total number of objectives logged for the clerkship.

Clerkship Preceptors

Report Name: Clerkship Preceptors

Description: This report lists the preceptors for each site.

COMT Societies -End of the Year Portfolio Class of 2025

Report Name: COMT Societies -End of the Year Portfolio Class of 2025


COMT Societies -End of the Year Portfolio Class of 2026

Report Name: COMT Societies -End of the Year Portfolio Class of 2026

Description: Class of 2026 End of the Year Portfolio

COMT Societies Report-Class of 2026

Report Name: COMT Societies Report-Class of 2026

Description: For 2026 Cohort

Course Faculty Email

Report Name: Course Faculty Email

Description: Provides a table of teaching faculty contact information based on Learning Event Associated Faculty in MedLearn sorted by course.

Course Feedback

Report Name: Course Feedback

Description: This report displays anonymous student feedback on courses. Students submit their feedback through MedLearn.

CUP Report

Report Name: CUP Report

Description: Students volunteer for CUP throughout their medical school career. This report keeps track of how many CUP hours students have completed along with what kind of CUP events they participated to complete graduation requirements and earn graduation credit. This report shows the CUP hours with CUP title and date for each logged in student.

Discipline Thread Hours

Report Name: Discipline Thread Hours

Description: This report provides total hours for threads and disciplines taught during one or more required courses/events. The report is used annually to provide data for the US News & World Report.

Duty Hours Compliance

Report Name: Duty Hours Compliance

Description: Illustrates the number of duty hours logged by student by rotation. Additionally, it includes an average number of hours logged per week.

Elective Enrollment by Department

Report Name: Elective Enrollment by Department

Description: Elective enrollment by department

Elective Enrollment by Department and Course

Report Name: Elective Enrollment by Department and Course

Description: Shows the number of students enrolled in electives by department and student level. Data comes from OASIS.

Elective Enrollment by Rank

Report Name: Elective Enrollment by Rank

Description: This displays 4th year and 3rd year electives by rank. The report shows the top 20 for 4th year and the top 10 for 3rd year.

Event Hours by Type by Course

Report Name: Event Hours by Type by Course

Description: Shows the distribution of learning/teaching methods across blocks.

Events Taught By Faculty Member

Report Name: Events Taught By Faculty Member

Description: Shows a list of events with event related information that is taught by faculty member.

Events With Event Contacts

Report Name: Events With Event Contacts

Description: Shows the faculty roles in each learning event by selected course. This is helpful when reviewing the individuals assigned to roles by learning event to ensure they accurately reflect the teaching effort hours.


Report Name: FaceSheet

Description: Generates group FaceSheets by course and by group. This provides a list of students by group with the student photos. The groups are established in MedLearn by course.

Grade Distribution for Electives

Report Name: Grade Distribution for Electives

Description: Displays a table of grade distribution by course by number of students in each category (Honors, High Pass, Pass, Fail, Incomplete) and percentage distribution by category.


Report Name: Gradebook

Description: Shows students MK final grade and high-stake assessment grades used for determining if a student is eligible to complete a retake exam. The report defaults to MK, but other competency can be selected from the self-service prompt.

HP Feedback Completion - Live Data

Report Name: HP Feedback Completion - Live Data

Description: Shows which students completed H&P Clerkship Feedback, when they were observed, and who observed them.

Learning Objectives

Report Name: Learning Objectives

Description: Lists the total number of learning objectives associated with a course and breaks down the percentage of discipline and threads mapped to learning objectives within each session learning event.

Logged Cases and Procedures by Student - Live Data

Report Name: Logged Cases and Procedures by Student - Live Data

Description: Shows live data for the specific cases or procedures (objectives) logged by Clerkship students in the logbook for a specific clerkship.

Match Data Analysis

Report Name: Match Data Analysis

Description: Provides a similar report and experience as the provided 2018 Match Summary PowerPoint created by Student Affairs.

Mid Clerkship Formative Feedback

Report Name: Mid Clerkship Formative Feedback

Description: Shows which students completed Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback.

Mid clerkship formative Feedback by AY

Report Name: Mid clerkship formative Feedback by AY

Description: Shows completed Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback by Academic Year.

Overall Clerkship Grade and Summative Remarks

Report Name: Overall Clerkship Grade and Summative Remarks

Description: Shows the overall clerkship grade and summary comments that goes to the student's MSPE letter.

Overall Survey Results by Target

Report Name: Overall Survey Results by Target

Description: Provides a summary with statistical information and student comments by survey distribution and target with scales from the Assessment & Evaluation module of MedLearn.

Student Evaluation on Electives - Annual Report

Report Name: Student Evaluation on Electives - Annual Report

Description: For Curricular Affairs as they need this format to send out to the departments annually. This report consists of two parts: Elective enrollment by department and course, and student evaluation on elective evaluations.

Student Feedback on 4th Year Elective

Report Name: Student Feedback on 4th Year Elective

Description: Includes student feedback of non-patient care and patient-care elective courses. The report is displayed by rotation, academic year and department. The report also includes the number of course evaluations submitted. All data comes from OASIS.

Student Feedback on Away Electives

Report Name: Student Feedback on Away Electives

Description: The report is to allow students to access feedback submitted by fellow students on their away elective experiences. The information is meant to help assist students in selecting the most beneficial away rotations. The information can be searched by department, specialty, name of the institution, and geographical location of where away rotations were completed.

Student Pre-clerkship Curriculum

Report Name: Student Pre-clerkship Curriculum

Description: The following dashboards provide the student curriculum for pre-clerkship courses. To consume the Student Pre-clerkship Curriculum dashboard, you will need to get an active Power BI license and read permission to the college data.

Student Profile

Report Name: Student Profile

Description: A snapshot of student's information and academic progress.

Student Profile For Learning Specialist

Report Name: Student Profile For Learning Specialist

Description: Designed for Learning Specialists only. It provides a snapshot of the student's career. It contains data from ArizonaMed (if applicable), MedLearn, OASIS, and Step scores.

Survey Submissions

Report Name: Survey Submissions

Description: Provides a count per evaluator/assessor by distribution of completed and pending surveys. These pending and completed survey tasks are derived from distributions within MedLearn's Assessment & Evaluation module.

Teaching Effort

Report Name: Teaching Effort

Description: Teaching Effort

UAVitae Roles

Report Name: UAVitae Roles


UAVitae Teaching Effort

Report Name: UAVitae Teaching Effort


Unentered Grades by Gradebook Assessment

Report Name: Unentered Grades by Gradebook Assessment

Description: Provides a list of unentered grades for students by competency, gradebook assessment, and course.

WBA Clerkship-Students

Report Name: WBA Clerkship-Students

Description: This dashboard is produced based on the data from work-based assessment (WBA) of clerkship student. To consume the WBA Clerkship dashboard, you will need to get an active Power BI license and read permission to the college data.